Wednesday, 16 July 2008

the dunsfold sequel (dunsfold part deux)

i wouldn't bother going to watch this one...much the same as the original 2 weeks ago...started off with the 2nd cats although this time we were truly awful in the chase, i'm not sure if it was the wind or if i was just feeling carp but working up to the lead felt sooooo much harder this time. we got to within 100m of the pack and then it splintered with guys trying to bridge across, luckily i caught a ride and went straight to the front as we were coming up to a prime and i figured it might kick off, sure enough the sprint was on and I rolled through with them, however i kept the pace on to find me and shunty along with another guy escaping off the front. cue 10 mins of quality three-way work before shunty wisely decided to hot foot it back to the pack given his upcoming race....wise wise wise move Mr Hunt!! i carried on with my compadre (who was unfortunately stronger than an ox and was slowly sucking my legs off) until 6 guys bridged then i was done and rolled through oblivious to the attacks...job done...but i really need to stop picking these unnecessarily succesful breaks!

training's been going well this week, gradually starting to find the form that i stumbled upon at the beginning of the year. i'll leave you with this recommendation:

it really is the best thing since air in tyres (genius idea) makes those hot sweaty rides (stop sniggering undies!!) so much more comfortable...and no i don't get given it free!!

ps you snooze you loose...i'll have to roll over the competition for another time.

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