Tuesday, 1 July 2008

james adams - 1st out the water @ the WORLD junior triathlon championships

hurting on the run but having laid the smack down on the swim in his world champs debut. james is also sponsored by the tri store and a member of team bodyworks xtc.

had a lovely jubbly mountain bike ride yesterday with all the other guys that work at the tri store. i took the opportunity to ride the enduro demo bike (mainly because Lawrence had nabbed the Epic) and i was pleasantly surprised with how well it rode as a cross-country bike, admittedly my pitiful bike handling skills (and lack of any bravery) meant that i got nowhere near to maxing it out on the down hills but i certainly enjoyed the plush ride and it climbed and rolled exceptionally well considering its weight.

i would also like to take this opportunity to apologise for my less than garmin-like route planning skills...although in fairness it wasn't boring...even if we did get cut into a million pieces by those pesky brambles. i think i had just about been forgiven by the time we sat down to dinner for some nookie...or is it gnocchi!? [insert picture of said food here]

hard swim this morning with some 1500m pace and threshold work and i'm off to dunsfold tonight to be given a schoolboy lesson in cycling.........yet again!


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