Tuesday, 15 December 2009

long time no blog...understatement of the century

It's been a while, over 14 months to be precise, since I put my fingers to the keyboard and blogged. I wasn't training much and was pretty busy at university (you know how it is, saving lives and all that jazz...it's no big deal just a small part of my life) but now I've bitten the bullet and intermitted (definitely not dropped out) from bumbling around hospitals like a lost sheep and I'm going to give triathlon a proper crack and see if I'm actually any good at it or if the couple of decent results I've managed to put together in the past were just complete fluke.

So...this is how I find myself in not-so-sunny-and actually-quite-frosty-Spain with a bunch of incredibly talented triathletes trying to blag my way through an 8 day training camp involving copious amounts of, in not particular order; swimming, cycling, running, strength & conditioning, physioing, psychologying, nutritioning, team building, stretching, bantering, eating, sleeping, dvding, foam rollering, recovering, facebooking, twitter stalking...

I'll try and post a proper training update today but for now we're off for a cheeky 2hr ride...not forgetting to wrap up warm.

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